Guyana’s forensic lab to be completed next month

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee said last Friday that the forensic laboratory now under construction in Guyana is expected to be completed by June 17, while noting that the equipment for the lab has already arrived in the country.
Speaking at the launching of the ‘’ initiative, Minister Rohee noted that the laboratory could not meet its May deadline; however, it will be completed in June. He noted that thus far there are at least 31 applications received for positions but only 21 positions, are available, and as such, an interview panel was set up to select the best possible candidates.
“The interview panel was set up because the competition is high because we have received 31 applications and only have 21 positions available…,” the minister said.
He revealed that the interview process will commence next week.
Rohee also warned thieves to think twice about crimes they want to commit because the police force will soon be equipped with the tools to follow and find them wherever the trail leads. He again urged police to make more use of the images derived from the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras that have been installed around the city, to identify suspects who have committed robberies within the view of these cameras.
On December 14, 2012, a US$ 1.688 million contract was signed by the Home Affairs Ministry and Western Scientific Company for the supply of scientific equipment for the state-of-the-art police forensic laboratory.
This initiative, according to the ministry, is an indication of government’s willingness and commitment to equip the Guyana Police Force (GPF) with the necessary tools to fight crime and catch those who prey on others.
The project falls under the CSP that was initiated between the government and the IDB. The programme has three components: institutional modernisation of the Home Affairs Ministry, Community Action Component (CAC) and modernisation of the GPF, which includes the strengthening of forensic capability. The contract to build the forensic laboratory was award to Courtney Benn Construction Company. The installation of CCTV cameras around the city; the integrated crime information system that links police stations to information; and the establishment of the national intelligence agency, form components of the overall strategy to enhance police capability and curb criminal activities. (Guyana Times)

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